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“Jesus Calls Disciples to Fish for People”

Luke 5:1-11

Epiphany 5C, February 9th, 2025

What is the message about? . . .

Luke’s gospel gives us the most detailed version of Jesus calling his first disciples. When the fishermen, having given up on catching any fish after working all night unsuccessfully, were called by Jesus to cast their nets one more time.  They were hugely blessed with a successful catch beyond their wildest expectation. He then makes fishing a metaphor for gathering people. Churches for a while have been casting nets unsuccessfully. Worship communities can get discouraged. However, with Jesus at the center of what we do, the disaster would be to give up just one effort too soon. The spirit tells us to keep casting our net and expect blessings beyond our wildest expectations! Let’s explore this further on Sunday morning. See you there!

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