Mark 1:14-20, Epiphany 3B
Theme: Jesus Calls Us
Two thousand years ago on the shores of a large lake which even today collects waters from the hills of the Golan Hights in what is now Northern Israel, Jesus chose and called four fishermen to be his followers. They were Peter, Andrew, James, and John.
The lake was called The Sea of Galilee by the locals. This lake and its surroundings were to be the center point of many of the events which would occur in Jesus’ ministry. These men along with at least 8 more followed Jesus, witnessing many wonders and heard many teachings.
These men were mesmerized by the very presence of Jesus. According to the author of Mark, when Jesus called them, they immediately responded by leaving behind everything. They even left their nets behind and followed this man they believed to be the Messiah.
When we read passages such as this one, it is easy to just respond by saying “that is interesting” then just go on about our business. We don’t even play the ‘what if’ game. We don’t even ask ourselves the question, ”what if Jesus asked me?”
Even if asked, when such a question occurred, we might just shrug it off saying, “that was something that happened a couple thousand years ago. That was then – this is now.”
So, I ask the question, ”is that call which came from the Messiah two thousand years ago pertinent to us today?” Some would say yes.
Come worship with us at First Christian Church in Warrensburg, Missouri where we will be considering this call from the Messiah.