First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
Support The Church
Make your donations below by signing into Tithe.ly below, towards the bottom of the page after the instructions or you may click the "Give Now" button below to open Tithe.ly in a new window.
Should you have any questions about using the donation form, please Click Here To Contact Us or call the Church Office. Your support is always appreciated and needed. Thank you for your donation and God Bless!

1. Enter your donation amount.
2. Select the department you wish to support.
3. Enter your first & last name and your email address.
4. Enter your credit card info
(card number, experation date and CVC security code).
5. (optional) Check this box to cover the fees associated with processing your donation. You will see how much this is listed just below your donation amount in Step 1.
6. After all the required details are entered, the Give button will change colors to green. Click the Give button to make your donation.
Thank you.
You may login and give in the box to the left or you may click the button below to open Tithe.ly in a new window. Thank you!